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Entering Fresh Data

SOFA Statistics lets you enter your data directly. Or you can import it from a spreadsheet or csv file. Or you can connect directly to a database. This demonstration shows how to enter fresh data.

Start by clicking on the “Enter/Edit Data” button on the main SOFA form.

In the “Configure Data Table” dialog:

  1. Give your table a name. NB spaces are not allowed in the table name.
  2. Add fields - each with a name and a data type (“Numeric” (numbers), “String” (which means text), or “Date”.
  3. Click on the “Update” button to save your changes and open the table ready for data entry.

Any tables you make yourself are added to the default SOFA database “sofa_db”.

To open your new table, click on “Enter/Edit Data”, select your table and click on the “Open” button.

The Sofa_Id is an autonumber to enable SOFA to keep track of everything. It can't be edited. You can edit the other fields. NB to hit the “Enter” key on your keyboard to save a row and open and empty one ready for more data entry. Note how the Sofa_Id is autfilled in.

A video is available showing how to enter data by hand into SOFA Statistics:



help/data_entry.txt · Last modified: 2012/08/12 17:52 (external edit)