On the main SOFA form, click on “Report Tables”,
Let's start with a simple report table of Age Group vs Country. NB all of this data is fictitious and designed to allow features of the program to be demonstrated.
Under the “Columns” label click on “Add” and add Country.
In the demonstration pane below you will either see the table or a rough illustration of what the table will look like (if there is so much data that displaying the actual results may take a while).
If the “Also add to report” button is pressed the output will also be saved to the end of the output file specified to the right of the button.
Next you may want to configure the rows and/or columns. Let's add a total column and columns for row and column percentages.
If you clicked “Also add to report” (or “Show Results” with “Also add to report” ticked if demonstration results displayed only) you can view the result by clicking on the “View” button. This will open your default web browser so you can see the output of the entire report.
The styling of your table can also be changed - here are some examples of different report tables:
Instead of frequencies and percentages, Row Summaries Tables have means, medians, standard deviations etc.
Optionally, you can add a row variable e.g. “Age Group”. Row variables for “Row Stats” report tables can have totals.
Sometimes you just want to display some data, possibly with a totals row and perhaps with the first column as a label column.
A video is available showing how to make report tables: Making report tables video
Another video is also available showing how to calculate basic statistics like mean, median etc using SOFA Statistics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97NXAys-KwE&list=UUFRr0ugWcqCfhLwJ5qBlzpQ
Another video is also available showing how to make frequency tables using SOFA Statistics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AX4J332EWIc